Honey Bee Chamber and Observation,

Averill Park High School 2014

Additional Funding Resources

Help increase the impact of the APEF’s fundraising by exploring additional funding for creative grants! Take a few minutes to check out these businesses and organizations that sponsor a variety of creative, educational, and inspiring projects to see if your grant idea would qualify for these funds.

https://corporate.aldi.us/en/corporate-responsibility/community/aldi-cares-community-grants/eligibility-and-guidelines/  ($250-$5000 community grants in the areas of food insecurity, health & wellness, diversity/equity/inclusion)

https://walmart.org/how-we-give/local-community-grants ($250-5000 grants available, may apply multiple times in a year)

https://www.cfgcr.org/grants/upcoming-grant-deadlines/ (community foundation for the capital region upcoming available grants and deadlines)

https://www.seedyourfuture.org/educator_grants  (list of grant funding to help support their horticulture and garden programs in schools and youth programs)

https://www.wholekidsfoundation.org/programs/school-gardens-grant (garden grants, beehive grants)

https://ruraltechfund.org/#  Projects funded are designed to help spark student interest in technology-based careers, including providing some equipment

https://greenourplanet.org/ (STEM school gardens and hydroponic gardens)

https://ngcproject.org/resources/mini-grants (Girls in Stem)

https://www.acs.org/funding/grants/acs-hach-high-school-chemistry-classroom-grant.html (HS Chemistry teachers)

https://www.afcea.org/gravely-and-paige-grants (STEM Teachers)

https://www.nctm.org/grants/ (Available NCTM grants, math all grade levels)

http://snapdragonbookfoundation.org/application/ (books for libraries)

https://www.dgliteracy.org/grant-programs/ (literacy)

https://classicsforkids.org/apply-for-a-grant/  (music instruments)

https://mbird.org/grants/apply/ (music education)

https://mhopus.org/ (music in schools)

https://www.fundforteachers.org/ (fellowship money for innovative teaching)

https://mccartheydressman.org/teacher-development-grants/ (Teacher Development)

We are on an exciting mission.

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Follow our Facebook page to stay connected with our community and help us provide funding for these vital programs. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our children and community.

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Honey Bee Chamber and Observation

Averill Park High School 2014